Monday, January 18, 2010

Peggy – My best friend

The friendship between Peggy and me goes way back – we had been friends for a very long time. We were classmates in middle school, high school, and in college. We were best friends in our work and later on, we decided to further our studies in the U.S. together. When Morris – Peggy's husband – graduated from University of North Texas, they moved to North Carolina for Morris’ teaching position. Soon after, Morris and Peggy then moved to Clear Lake in Houston. We became closer friends ever since.

She was a very easy going and caring individual. All of our friends knew that she took care of Morris extremely well. She wholeheartedly looked after her sons, daughter, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. So, the relationships between all of the family members are very genuine and sweet. On the other hand, no appropriate word can be found to describe Morris' love for Peggy. Faye, Gene, Mathew, Simon, and Sharon all loved Peggy deeply and respect her highly. Particularly, the deep regard and compassion for Peggy expressed by Simon and Sharon are the envy of us all.

When Faye was born in 1978, I brought Morris' mother from Taiwan to help Peggy take care of Faye. They got along so well that his mother stayed with their family until her very last moment. Peggy took her with the rest of the family to travel around the country, visit friends – and this gave her mother-in-law complete joy until the end of her life.

Peggy was loved by each and every classmate. I was the luckiest one – we spent a lot of time together and had many beautiful memories. During the post-graduate study years, we drove all night to San Antonio, had fun all day there, and then we drove all night to Dallas. We visited Peggy's host family – Carol – and enjoyed her delicious pudding. During Christmas of 1987, we drove a mini-van together, including 10 members from both of our families, to Florida. Those fond memories will last forever.

Peggy loved us to the extreme; she would invite my family to her sweet home and also to her church activities in Clear Lake. Because of Peggy's patience and enthusiasm in keeping the Tunghai alumni well-connected with one another, we all remain very close to each other.

All this time, I knew that Peggy was a true and faithful Christian. Until later during these last few months, I began to realize her level of deep faith. Last August, when she first knew of her terminal illness, she told us that if this were God's plan for her, she would obey. She pleaded that we should not feel sorry for her and instead, should celebrate her new life in heaven. Her confidence in facing death deeply moved me - a beginner of faith.

Peggy’s life has ended in this world. However, she had a truly meaningful life. Every friend misses her. However, we also know that Peggy has left all the worry and pain behind – she now rests in our Lord's arms, and is enjoying true happiness forever. I wish for God's grace to heal the hurts and grant peace to everyone.

Li-Chu Liu


Saturday, January 16, 2010



感謝主! 我們所愛的璧姬姐, 按照主的時間, 回到慈愛天父的懷抱裡. 想到將來我們可以再相聚一起, 在天堂日夜敬拜頌讚我們的主, 就倍覺安慰及充滿盼望.

何等榮幸與你們夫婦及全家在拿撒教會一起服事上帝, 承蒙你們多方代禱及扶持.成為我們一家的祝福. 去年12月14日, 當我們返回美國參加Daniel及Esther的畢業典禮,欣逢拿撒教會成立20週年慶, 我們又有幸與璧姬姐同桌用餐,她的許多美好見證又再次激勵我們. 在週年慶中廖教授夫妻一起點亮教堂燭台的那一幕,歷歷在我們心中, 彷彿看到你們夫妻靠著主的愛一次又一次地點燃無數人心中的亮光般.感謝主, 聖徒的腳蹤何等佳美!

謝謝你們來臺灣體育大學(我們的宣教工場)各個系的課堂上, 分享你們的專業知識及婚姻家庭之寶貴經驗, 使學生們獲益良多; 謝謝你們特地來參加臺中豐盛教會2008年新春感恩禮拜及黃恩典牧師的按牧典禮, 你們的蒞臨及勉勵帶來無數溫馨及鼓舞.

還有很多的感謝及懷念,紙短情長. 謹獻上我們的祝福及代禱!

啟示錄14:13 我聽見從天上有聲音說:「你要寫下:從今以後,在主裏面而死的人有福了!」聖靈說:「是的,他們息了自己的勞苦,做工的果效也隨著他們。」 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. from henceforth...: or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea

詩篇 116:15 在耶和華眼中,看聖民之死極為寶貴。 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

主內 臺中豐盛教會
Daniel Eng
Esther Eng
全體長執及會友 一同









對舅媽璧姬的懷念 A Remembrance of Auntie Peggy


Auntie Peggy 對您的懷念太多太多...

玫蓉 思念

A Remembrance of Auntie Peggy:

Auntie Peggy is a great executor of “GODLY LOVE”.

Not only did she love her family, her love spread throughout the relatives and friends. Most of all, being the loving ambassador of our Lord, Jesus Christ, she seeded the gospel of love among the people.

I miss ~
All of the Christmas cards, year-end thanksgiving cards, and birthday cards she mindfully sent;
All of the souvenirs whenever she came back and visited us;
All of the warm and thoughtful welcomes when I visited the States;
All of the care she bestowed upon me and my son, Peter;

Oh! Auntie Peggy I miss all of your ……
which I can not express with my own words.

You are a love giver and your love will always be in my heart. You may have gone home before me but… The “LOVE” you left turns to be the bridge where I see you and meet you …..

Marion Chen
March 16, 2009

璧姬與我 Peggy and Me







March 7, 2009

Peggy and Me

I didn’t live with Pi-Chi here in Houston, but my mother (Pi-Chi’s mother-in-law) did live with her for 15 years. My mother used to tell me that Pi-Chi came from a very wealthy family, and yet she still married Morris (my brother), who did not have much money. She would manage their finances very frugally – she saved much and never wasted anything. So my mother would praise her for this, in saying that she was such a good daughter-in-law.

I was unable to look after my own mother at the time, but Pi-Chi took care of her with so much love and self-sacrifice. Pi-Chi and the whole family took her to travel with them wherever they went – even in her old age. They never left her behind to stay with others, but always insisted for her to come with them. When Pi-Chi wanted to take Ping-Chau to Vancouver to meet Ya-Yun, she took the whole family – even my mother. My mother told me of the time that Pi-Chi bought her a travel ticket to Alabama with the senior group tour, and told her that she should go while was she was able to walk. She was always so thankful for Pi-Chi’s generosity and thoughtfulness.

The most memorable moment was the last time she traveled with the family to Big Bend National Park. During the trip, she became very ill from her diabetes. The family returned home immediately and quickly took my mother to the hospital. Pi-Chi called me without delay, and she told me that she was going to learn how to give my mother insulin injections. Unfortunately the next day, my mother developed a severe clot in her leg, in which the doctors told her they needed to have her leg amputated. At that moment, I asked Pi-Chi, “How will you deal with this? It will be so difficult…” Pi-Chi told me, “If God wants me to look after mother, certainly He will give me enough strength to take care of her.” I was so deeply touched by her words and actions – they indeed showed her strong faith and love. Sadly, my mother passed away soon after; however, Pi-Chi truly was such a great daughter-in-law to my mother.

Kuei-Meei (Morris’ 3rd sister)

Monday, December 28, 2009

對璧姬的懷念 A Remembrance of Peggy


錦環 思念

A Remembrance of Peggy:

“Dedication and surrender” describe the best to my beloved sister-in-law, Peggy.

She dedicated (順服) herself to her family
~ as a good daughter-in-law who honored her mother-in-law as her own,
~ as a good wife, and
~ as a good sister-in-law.

She surrendered (順服) herself to the life God prepared for her.
~ a great helper of her husband. She strived to be a good steward for her family
~ a great mother of her children. She raised her three children to be mature and useful people in God’s eyes.
~ an abundant faith in the Lord. She humbly faced her last days on earth

The fruits of her life are the model we are eager to bear and the memory we ink in our heart. I miss her ……

March 16, 2009

To Auntie Peggy - Celebration of Her Life on Earth

Auntie Peggy has a tremendous influence to my life. 18 years ago, I came to the States as a young single international student. Uncle Morris and auntie became my most immediate family here. Whenever, I faced the loneliness or struggled with my school work. They always make themselves available and welcome me to their family and to be part of their family.

Over 18 years, Auntie Peggy has encouraged me and helped me to open my eyes to our great Lord Jesus Christ. From her, I saw …

~ as wonderful daughter-in-law, who always took good care of grandma
~ as a loving wife, who submitted herself to uncle
~ as a sacrificial mom, who put all of herself to raise Faye, Gene and Matthew; and
~ as a faithful servant of the Lord, who served and praised Him all of her life

Although she passed away, I am celebrating her life in Christ on earth. “Victory”… It is the word always coming out of my mind when I think of Auntie Peggy’s life.

Her life is a victory over death ~
Auntie Peggy has overcome death at the moment when she trusted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. The everlasting life she has victoriously conquered death. Since I know, I will see her again on the day come.

Her walk on earth is a victory over the world ~
Look at it… How may people have been touched by her? How many souls have been saved through her witness, pray, and her walk in Christ? I don’t know where you are spiritually, but, surly, I am the direct beneficiary of her witness. Through her, I saw the true Love from God. Through her, I saw the significance of great gift of salvation which led me to restore my relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ.

I am certain that it is a victory of her life as the faithful servant of the Lord. And I know, on her home going, our Lord stood up and received her joyfully in heaven. She will reside with Him forever and ever.

Do I miss her? Absolutely… But she did not disappear from me. Her love, faith, and hope in Christ and, especially, her smile will always be remembered deep in my heart.

C. Benjamin Chen
Shared on Feb. 6, 2009
Edified on Feb. 9, 2009